Discover 10 extremely mysterious things that are still unanswered in Detective Conan (Part 2)

Avatar of Nick John By Nick John Sep17,2024
Discover 10 extremely mysterious things that are still unanswered in Detective Conan (Part 2) 2
Discover 10 extremely mysterious things that are still unanswered in Detective Conan (Part 2) 2

6. How important is the software created by engineer Itakura to the Black organization?

Engineer Itakura and the software he created are mentioned in a conversation between Vernouth and Shinnichi’s mother on the Bell Tree.

7. How will the `clash` of Haibara and Sera take place?

In the author’s 2011 interview, this clash was mentioned, but until now it has not yet taken place.

8. Who is Sera’s sister outside of her domain?

Discover 10 extremely mysterious things that are still unanswered in Detective Conan (Part 2)

This girl Sera, in addition to her two mysterious brothers, her younger sister also becomes mysterious.

The question is, is this girl shrunk?

Regarding the younger sister outside this territory, it is said that she has the same level of coldness as Akai plus Haibara’s characteristic mysteriousness.

Discover 10 extremely mysterious things that are still unanswered in Detective Conan (Part 2)

Not only that, the girl outside this territory also seems to be knowledgeable about eavesdropping devices.

9. Rum and his avatars, what is the purpose of this guy’s appearance?

Discover 10 extremely mysterious things that are still unanswered in Detective Conan (Part 2)

Rum is said to be No.2 of the Black Organization, closely related to Boss, more important than Gin.

Rum is known to have a rather strange appearance, with a very big head like an old man and one eye!

Discover 10 extremely mysterious things that are still unanswered in Detective Conan (Part 2)

With these characteristics, there have been many cases listed as suspects due to eye problems and strange habits, of which 3 strong candidates have emerged that could be Rum including:

+ Yamato Kansuke: Inspector of Nagano Police Station

Discover 10 extremely mysterious things that are still unanswered in Detective Conan (Part 2)

+ Matsumoto Kiyonaga: Head of the Tokyo Police Department

+ Kuroda Hyoe: Head of the investigation team of Nagano police station

And it’s also possible that Rum is masquerading as a normal person, a woman with a clumsy appearance and in daily contact with Conan. That is the assistant homeroom teacher, Wakasa Rumi?

10. Which typical characters will appear in the near future (in reality or memories)?

– Rum, his avatars

– The rat that Gin talked about (don’t know how many names)

– Scotch (presumed dead spy)

`That person` makes Akai regret being with Bourbon

Matsuda and his friend Hagiwara: This is confirmed by the author

You see, even though it was released nearly 30 years ago, Detective Conan still attracts readers because of its extremely mysterious details and characters, right?

What do you think about the 10 secrets that have not yet been revealed that we mentioned above?

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