The life of the former Japanese Princess and her husband’s first days in America

The life of the former Japanese Princess and her husband's first days in America 0
The life of the former Japanese Princess and her husband's first days in America 0

(Dan Tri) – Former Japanese Princess Mako and her husband are said to be living in a one-bedroom rental apartment in a luxury apartment building in New York, USA.

The former Japanese Princess and her newlywed husband left John F. Kennedy International Airport on November 14 (Photo: AFP).

After a simple wedding in Tokyo, Japan on October 26, former Japanese Princess Mako and her newlywed husband Kei Komuro flew to the US to start a new life on November 14.

According to Dailymail, the couple was seen carrying luggage into an apartment on 52nd Street, New York USA immediately after landing at John F. Kennedy Airport.

The couple Mako – Komuro is said to have rented a one-bedroom apartment in this apartment building described as having `luxury living conditions`.

The life of the former Japanese Princess and her husband's first days in America

An apartment inside the apartment building where the former Japanese Princess and her husband rented in the US (Photo: Tatonic).

Mako, 30 years old, is the eldest daughter of Crown Prince Fumihito and granddaughter of Emperor Naruhito.

Komuro’s biological mother’s ex-fiancé accused him and his mother of not paying the debt of 4 million Yen (about 35,000 USD) that was used to cover Komuro’s living expenses and college expenses.

To marry her commoner boyfriend, Mako had to give up her royal title.

Mako and Komuro’s family life is expected to have many challenges when they decide to become financially independent.

When the family’s financial scandal broke out, Komuro decided to go to America to study law.

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By Jackson

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