Tran Thanh’s movie `Mai` is labeled 18+: Are students still free to enter the theater?

Avatar of Daniel By Daniel Feb21,2024 #students #Tran Thanh
Tran Thanh's movie `Mai` is labeled 18+: Are students still free to enter the theater? 8
Tran Thanh's movie `Mai` is labeled 18+: Are students still free to enter the theater? 8

(Dan Tri) – According to Dan Tri’s reporter, in some theaters in Ho Chi Minh City, the ticket control process is quite lax, allowing many audiences under 18 years old to buy tickets to see the movie `Mai` even though this work is

Theater staff `guess the age` of the audience by looking at their faces?

The movie Mai is considered a box office phenomenon during the Tet Giap Thin season.

However, this is a work labeled T18 (for audiences 18 years and older).

On the evening of February 19, Dan Tri reporters were present at several movie theaters in Ho Chi Minh City to learn about the incident.

Parents take their children to the theater to watch `Mai` (Video: Quynh Tam).

According to regulations, to most effectively control movies labeled T18, movie theaters will require audiences to present identity cards, identification cards or identification documents when buying tickets.

At a cinema in Tan Binh district (HCMC), in the direct ticket sales area as well as the online ticket checking area, staff did not closely check the audience’s identification documents.

From 7:00 p.m., most of the Mai screenings here are sold out, with only the one after 11:00 p.m. remaining.

Audiences went to theaters to watch the movie on February 19 (Photo: Moc Khai).

Similarly, at another cinema in Tan Binh district or a theater in Thu Duc city, the check to determine the age of movie ticket buyers for Mai also took place relatively superficially.

According to records, ticket sales staff mainly classify ages by asking buyers directly, without requiring them to present identification documents or trying to verify the age of ticket buyers.

The classification of films by age is done in a way that depends on the `self-consciousness` of the audience.

Tran Thanh's movie `Mai` is labeled 18+: Are students still free to enter the theater?

Young audiences went to theaters to watch `Mai` in large numbers, but age verification was still lax (Photo: Quynh Tam).

When students `slip` into the theater

Sharing with Dan Tri reporter, audience N.O.

At a theater in Thu Duc City on the evening of February 19, we also recognized the audience of B.Q.

Before taking his 13-year-old brother to a movie theater labeled T18, B.Q.

Tran Thanh's movie `Mai` is labeled 18+: Are students still free to enter the theater?

Audiences under 18 years old still freely buy tickets to the theater to watch `Mai` (Photo: Quynh Tam).

In another case, Ms. Quynh (born 1973, Binh Thanh district) also chose to go to the theater to watch the movie Mai with her husband and daughter.

Ms. Quynh added: `At first we were hesitant about whether we should let our baby watch the movie with us or not. Besides, her classmates had already seen it so we felt quite comfortable. My daughter also said

What do theaters say?

According to the latest film classification criteria in Vietnam applied from May 20, 2023, according to Circular No. 05/2023 of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, films are in the T18 category for viewers aged 18 and up.

These are works with content primarily intended for an adult audience and may contain sensitive content elements.

However, up to now, the control of audience age at theaters still has many loopholes.

Many theaters ignore age verification because they easily lose customers and reduce revenue.

Tran Thanh's movie `Mai` is labeled 18+: Are students still free to enter the theater?

In fact, classifying the right age for watching movies still has many problems (Photo: Moc Khai).

Talking to reporters, Mr. Nguyen Hoang Hai – Content Director of CGV Vietnam – said that CGV always focuses on complying with the regulations of the film classification system by age.

In response to a question about CGV Vietnam’s problems in classifying the age of audiences watching Mai, Mr. Hai said: `Actually, in theater operations, verifying the age of audiences is certainly difficult. However.

At the ticket counter, CGV also arranges personnel to check age according to regulations and support underage customers to watch other movies that are more age-appropriate,` Mr. Hai said.

Tran Thanh's movie `Mai` is labeled 18+: Are students still free to enter the theater?

Instructions for classifying movies by age at a theater in Thu Duc City (Photo: Quynh Tam).

Mr. Nguyen Van Huong – theater management representative of Galaxy Studio – said that controlling the age of the audience is always an important issue and is paid attention to by the theater house.

`For example, during Tet, many viewers take their families to see movies, including adults and children. For children under 18 years old, we will suggest that they watch other age-appropriate movies.

At times when the theater is empty, changing movies is easy and quick.

In response to a reporter’s question about the fact that audiences who buy tickets online do not have to present documents when arriving at the ticket gate, Mr. Huong said: `In the ticket booking application, we all require buyers to confirm their age.

At the ticket counter, staff often observe with their eyes.

Mr. Nguyen Van Huong added that if any theater is found to be showing movies that are not within the prescribed age range, the responsibility will lie with that theater complex.

`Inspectors of the Cinema Department or departments will conduct surprise inspections. If there are violations, they will be punished according to regulations,` Mr. Huong said.

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By Daniel

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