Viet Anh and Thu Quynh suddenly received certificates of merit from the Ministry of National Defense

Viet Anh and Thu Quynh suddenly received certificates of merit from the Ministry of National Defense 2
Viet Anh and Thu Quynh suddenly received certificates of merit from the Ministry of National Defense 2

(Dan Tri) – Viet Anh, Thu Quynh and the actors of the movie `War without Borders` simultaneously announced the news of receiving a certificate of merit from the Ministry of National Defense for their contributions to the movie.

Recently, on his personal page, actor Viet Anh shared a picture of the certificate of merit signed by the Minister of Defense on November 26 for his contributions to the role of a border guard in the movie The War Without Borders.

`It’s not a small joy. I feel like I need to try harder,` he wrote.

Viet Anh shared that he received a certificate of merit from the Ministry of National Defense (Photo: Facebook character).

Under the actor’s post, many artists left congratulatory comments.

Sharing with Dan Tri reporter, Viet Anh said he felt truly proud to have been fortunate to receive personal recognition from the Minister of National Defense and the Ministry of National Defense for his small contributions in the film.

`This is a very valuable gift of encouragement, compensating for our participation in this film.

Not only me personally but also the entire film crew tried very hard to make the film finish on time and bring quality spiritual food, bringing the image of Uncle Ho’s soldiers during the reform period to a wide audience.

I think this is luck and an opportunity that not many actors have, so I really appreciate it,` he said.

Viet Anh and Thu Quynh suddenly received certificates of merit from the Ministry of National Defense

Image of character Lieutenant Colonel Tran Dinh Trung in a scene from the movie `The War Without Borders` (Photo: Character’s Facebook).

The actor also said that he wishes to have the opportunity to continue taking on new roles in the image of the Vietnamese People’s Army soldiers in the reform period.

With more than 20 years of experience with the acting career, Viet Anh has a film fortune with full of villainous and mischievous roles in television series such as: Judgment, The Judge, Labyrinth, Life and Death…

Viet Anh’s role as Lieutenant Colonel Tran Dinh Trung – Head of the Muong Luong Border Guard Station in the War Without Borders can be said to be the actor’s commitment and renewal, and it also took a long time to be convincing.

With this role, he agreed to start over with an image that no longer had the sass and brazenness like before.

Viet Anh also admitted that his career has mostly consisted of villain roles.

`If I keep playing the villain, I feel like I’m stuck in the past, and over time my career abilities will deteriorate.

Therefore, I accept that I cannot do it 100% well because even if I want to, I cannot do it well right away.

Finally, Viet Anh’s acting efforts were later recognized by the audience.

Viet Anh and Thu Quynh suddenly received certificates of merit from the Ministry of National Defense

Actress Thu Quynh received a certificate of merit from the Ministry of National Defense for successfully completing the role of Phuong in the movie `The War Without Borders` (Photo: Character Facebook).

Also in joy and pride when the film crew of The War Without Borders was honored, late on the night of November 29, actress Thu Quynh shared on her personal page a photo of the certificate of merit awarded by the Ministry of National Defense after her success.

She wrote: `Thank you for this fate that has brought me many valuable experiences and many wonderful friends. A complete and proud journey.`

Thu Quynh shared that this is a great honor for her and the whole crew.

Phuong’s role marks the return of Thu Quynh after one year since Journey of Justice.

One month of filming here, the actor had to push his car out of a quagmire when it rained, witnessing the village without electricity or phone signal.

Viet Anh and Thu Quynh suddenly received certificates of merit from the Ministry of National Defense

Shaping Thu Quynh’s character Phuong in the movie (Photo: VTV).

`When I took on this role, my crew and I had to eat and live with the people. Up there, we saw how many difficulties the Border Guard officers had to face, how closely they had to work closely with the people to change things.`

Besides Viet Anh and Thu Quynh, other actors of the movie War Without Borders such as Meritorious Artist Thai Son, Ha Viet Dung, and To Dung also expressed their happiness and pride when being awarded certificates of merit by the Ministry of National Defense.

Viet Anh and Thu Quynh suddenly received certificates of merit from the Ministry of National Defense
Viet Anh and Thu Quynh suddenly received certificates of merit from the Ministry of National Defense

From top to bottom: Meritorious Artist Thai Son, Ha Viet Dung, and To Dung received certificates of merit (Photo: Character Facebook).

The War Without BordersĀ is a joint project between the Ministry of National Defense and Vietnam Television to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Vietnam People’s Army (December 22) and the 35th anniversary of the National Defense Festival (December 22).

The film ended in early November.

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By Daniel

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