Why are many pizza restaurants willing to throw away defective food rather than give it to their employees?

Avatar of Nick John By Nick John Aug23,2024
Why are many pizza restaurants willing to throw away defective food rather than give it to their employees? 1
Why are many pizza restaurants willing to throw away defective food rather than give it to their employees? 1

The question was discussed on Quora by author Robert Maguire, a person with more than 20 years of experience in the restaurant industry.

One commenter also told his own story, when his parents owned a small local traditional bread shop.

One day, an employee in the shop approached the baker to ask for the remaining cakes, instead of throwing them away, which would go to waste.

`That was with a local bakery. Now imagine if that happened on a much larger scale. Let’s say with Pizza Hut. Not just for eating, leftover food can now be resold. The company

The truth is: When employers are comfortable with their employees, the situation of `cutting corners` decreases

Why are many pizza restaurants willing to throw away defective food rather than give it to their employees?

Author Robert Maguire, in fact, provides an unexpected answer from his own experience.

He said that he once read a book with examples related to stationery issues.

Finally, a few people came up with the idea of ​​leaving the lockers open, and the staff would only take what they needed… As a result, the cost of stationery suddenly dropped by about 30%.

Robert Maguire said that learning from that story, he applied it to his business.

Similarly, when opening a pizza restaurant, Robert Maguire always allows employees to make a super large pizza to enjoy, and can use any ingredients they want.

`Trust me – inventory depreciation goes down – when employees realize they can pick up a Pepsi or Coke at will, or make a pizza, the ‘thrill’ of sneaking around won’t go away.`

He revealed the interesting thing is that this management method will build an honest team.

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