China is divided over the trade war with the US when Trump launches tariffs

Avatar of Grayson By Grayson Jun8,2024 #China #launches #Trump
China is divided over the trade war with the US when Trump launches tariffs 0
China is divided over the trade war with the US when Trump launches tariffs 0

(Dan Tri) – China’s leadership is currently facing internal division when offering inconsistent approaches to resolving the ongoing trade war with the US.

President Trump and President Xi Jinping met in Beijing in 2017. (Photo: AFP)

When the White House decided to impose tariffs on goods imported from China, US leaders debated whether a prolonged trade dispute with Beijing was a wise course for Washington.

China’s leadership is currently facing internal divisions as it offers inconsistent approaches to resolving the ongoing trade war with the US.

As US and Chinese negotiators prepare to enter the 13th round of trade negotiations next September, both sides still show unclear signs about what they want to gain from a war.

On August 26, the two governments seemed to agree to find a way to cool tensions.

The above de-escalation move took place after the US and China took turns imposing retaliatory tariffs on each other.

Skepticism about America’s motives

The US decision to impose tariffs officially ended the trade truce agreed by President Donald Trump and President Xi Jinping during a meeting on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Japan in June.

He Weiwen, a former commercial attaché at Chinese consulates and an expert on trade, remains skeptical about whether the Trump administration is truly sincere about wanting to negotiate with China, or is simply

“It seems that the US side is closing a door for negotiations.

Frustration among Chinese leaders is increasing, even at the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs – which is the strongest supporter of signing a trade agreement with the US.

“There is no bottom line.

China is divided over the trade war with the US when Trump launches tariffs

US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer (second from left) shakes hands with Chinese Vice Premier Liu He at a meeting in Shanghai in July. Negotiations between the two countries are expected to resume in September. (Photo

Escalating tensions with the US have also raised many doubts in China about whether Washington will respect the terms of the trade agreement if the two countries come to a conclusion.

“Many people in China will say: If we sign an agreement, will it work, or how long will it last?

A group of `hawkish` voices, most of whom come from the powerful military group in China, also increased their voices on the issue of trade with the US.

“Currently, China is fighting two wars on one battlefield with the US, including military and economic conflicts.

Colonel Dai and his supporters are calling for a war of attrition in which China will surpass its opponents, no matter the cost to the global trading system.

“The outcome of the trade war between the US and China is not determined by calculating how many chips each country has, but by the ability of the two countries to absorb the damage.

China is struggling because of the trade war

However, those who oppose this view still believe that China is playing too aggressively.

“Between China and the US, the US is still the strong side and China is the weak side.

Mr. Jin predicts the US and China will reach a trade agreement before November, as pressure from tariffs has weakened China’s economic outlook.

“If the trade war drags on and supply chains leave China, it will greatly damage China’s future development potential,” Mr. Jin said.

China has released figures showing an economic contraction this summer.

According to Wang Huiyao, president of the Center for China and Globalization, a Beijing-based think tank that advises the Chinese government on trade and economic issues, both the United States and China should

“You can’t expect a perfect deal.


According to NPR

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By Grayson

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