Revealing Mr. Trump’s plans on NATO and the Ukraine conflict

Revealing Mr. Trump's plans on NATO and the Ukraine conflict 0
Revealing Mr. Trump's plans on NATO and the Ukraine conflict 0

(Dan Tri) – If re-elected, former US President Donald Trump will split NATO into two groups and find the fastest way to resolve the Russia-Ukraine conflict diplomatically, diplomatic sources said.

Former US President Donald Trump (Photo: Reuters).

NATO with a `2-tier` mechanism

US media quoted knowledgeable sources on April 11 as saying that former President Donald Trump, the Republican presidential candidate, is said to have planned to divide NATO countries into `2 tiers` depending on spending.

The source said that through discussions, many European ambassadors learned that Mr. Trump wanted to promote the idea of a `2-level NATO`.

Article 5 of the NATO Charter clearly states that any attack or threat against one of the bloc’s members will be considered an attack or threat to the entire alliance.

NATO is a 32-member military alliance led by the United States.

While in office, Mr. Trump repeatedly complained that the United States had to bear the costs of NATO members.

Earlier this year, Mr. Thierry Breton, Commissioner of the European Internal Market, said Mr. Trump had told European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen in January 2020 that the US would not support if Europe was attacked.

`You need to understand that, if Europe is attacked, we will never come to help you, support you,` Mr. Breton quoted Mr. Trump’s statement when he was still in office.

At that time, Mr. Trump also said: `NATO is dead, we will withdraw from NATO. You still owe us $400 billion because you did not pay the necessary amounts for defense, especially Germany.`

During a campaign event in February, Mr. Trump also caused controversy with his statement that Russia could `do whatever they want` to any country that `does not pay on time` its financial contributions.

About the Russia-Ukraine conflict

Regarding Mr. Trump’s plans for the conflict in Ukraine, some European diplomats heard that the former White House owner wants to bring Moscow and Kiev to the negotiating table, pushing them to reach an agreement to end the conflict.

According to sources, if Mr. Trump is re-elected, he will likely contact Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky immediately after winning or on inauguration day.

Mr. Trump can use US military aid as a tool to pressure Ukraine.

`If Ukraine wants continued aid then they have to sit down and negotiate, and if Russia doesn’t want us to provide large amounts of new assistance to Ukraine then they have to sit down and negotiate. That doesn’t mean giving in.`

The Washington Post last week quoted anonymous sources saying that Mr. Trump is hatching a plan to pressure Ukraine to cede part of its territory to reach a peace agreement with Russia.

Mr. Trump’s representative later denied the Washington Post’s information.

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