First Lady Melania: America needs Mr. Trump more than ever

First Lady Melania: America needs Mr. Trump more than ever 0
First Lady Melania: America needs Mr. Trump more than ever 0

(Dan Tri) – First lady Melania Trump praised and defended the policies of President Donald Trump’s administration in a speech on the second night of the Republican convention.

First Lady Melania Trump (Photo: Reuters)

“America needs Mr. Trump more than ever”

“You have a president who never stops fighting for you and your families.

She also spoke up to defend Mr. Trump’s leadership style, explaining why she believes he is the president America will need in the next 4 years.

“He is the best choice for our country.

Mr. Trump wants your families to be safe, he wants your families to succeed.

`I believe that we need my husband’s leadership more than ever to make us the greatest economy and the most powerful country again,` Melania said.

Mr. Trump will make tireless efforts to end the Covid-19 epidemic

First Lady Melania: America needs Mr. Trump more than ever

Mrs. Melania and President Trump after the speech outside the White House (Photo: Reuters)

Responding to public criticism about the government’s Covid-19 response, Mrs. Melania said that President Donald Trump will make unremitting efforts until the United States has effective treatments and vaccines to prevent the pandemic.

`I want to acknowledge the fact that since March, our lives have changed a lot. The invisible enemy, Covid-19, has swept across our beautiful country and impacted all

Mrs. Melania said, President Trump’s administration will `fight relentlessly until there is an effective treatment or vaccine for everyone.`

Melania’s speech is said to be one of the most awaited speeches at the Republican convention.

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